Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Spin Doctor Comic Frame 1-6 Example

Frame 1

Setting: Dr. Reeves' study.
Action: Dr. Reeves' is in his study room, talking to a silhouette/unknown figure/off screen (dead wife, but player can't see who this is), he is leaning forward onto his desk, looking stressed, as if he is about to make a decision). Near his hands are the map of the whole finished facility, building plans of the facility and blue prints of the mechanical heart. Dr. Reeves' is facing away from the table, profile of him is shown. Camera is possibly behind the dead wife (as an example).
Dialogue: "Decades of my life dedicated to the same cause, you, hangs in the balance judged only by my actions on this night..."

Frame 2

Setting: Dr. Reeves' study.
Action: Dr. Reeves' is crouching whilst packing syringes (to paralyze his victims, etc) among other things. He is looking at his his wife in the corner (still offscreen), asking her questions.
Dialogue: "You know I am doing this for you? You realise I am only doing what I must do, to save you?" questions along those lines. He explains he has to take to drastic measures in order to save his wife.

Frame 3

Setting: Dr. Reeves' study.
Action: Dr. Reeves' is now walking across the room to get his jacket, while speaking. Wife is still offscreen.
Dialogue: ASking questions, continuing dialogue from Frame 2.

Frame 4

Setting: Dr. Reeves' study.
Action: Dr. Reeves' is now putting his jacket on, facing his wife or facing the door/wall (?).
Dialogue: None yet.

Frame 5

Setting: Dr. Reeves' study.
Action: The doctor turns the lights off, walks out the door.
Dialogue: He mumbles "Goodbye, honey."

Frame 6

Setting: Dr. Reeves' study.
Action: Apart from all the other lights being turned off, there is still one green dimly light lamp in the corner of the room next to the wife. The green light slightly illuminates the dead wife (which is a skeleton).
Dialogue: None.

- This is just an example to show the Artists. I've pictured it in a Max Payne kind of style, but any style will work. A dark and creepy atmosphere and minor attention to details in the background, major focus on characters.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Spin Doctor: Inspiration - cut scenes and notes

Throwing in some inspiration and my idea of how the cut scenes, notes and other things could possibly look like:

Comic book "cut scenes"

Max Payne Comic 

Cut scenes will be in a comic style as mentioned before, these cutscenes will appear when fragments of journal entries written by the villain have been pieced together into a full page. They will tell the story, bit by bit, to the player, as a reward for finding them and completing every page.

A cut scene clip from Outlaws (1997)

Our game will have still drawings, like a comic book, but I thought the style in Outlaws is a good source of inspiration.


Game: Amnesia

Note found on Google

Notes written by the player could look like this or something similiar. Phil also had an idea; we could soak paper in tea water, so it looks old, then we could write down game notes on it and scan it in. 
These notes could either be found as a full note or as fragments to piece together to reveal the message, and it'd pop up as a picture you could read.

Example of an authentic Victorian newspaper:

The player will stumble across a newspaper page every now and then. These pages will be unreadable
and messy but the player can still see pictures and headlines.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Spin Doctor: Flashbacks/Cutscenes & Story Elements


The player will find fragments of notes, that he has to piece together to reveal the whole message. These will mostly be journal entries written by Dr. Reeves, but also other clues left by previous victims. These fragments will be in random places and not in order, and they will be portrayed as a picture/still cutscene when completed. These pictures will tell a story to the player, in a comic book style, rather than reading just plain text. These cutscenes will provide the player with an idea of Dr. Reeves intentions, including small bits from his past, how his wife got ill, how he built the vest and mechanical heart, started to neglect his own patients/career, and how he planned out and built the whole facility. It will possibly also show how previous victims were trapped within the facility.

Story Elements!

There will be messages on walls, presumably written by previous victims, messages will consist of cries for help, among clues and other thoughts they had. These will also show up as explained above, as old parchment, although these will not be in the comic book style.

Story-related Items

  • Newspaper articles
  • Journal entries
  • Notes
  • Corpses
  • Mysterious writing on walls
  • Small clues/items on the ground