Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Spin Doctor: Inspiration - cut scenes and notes

Throwing in some inspiration and my idea of how the cut scenes, notes and other things could possibly look like:

Comic book "cut scenes"

Max Payne Comic 

Cut scenes will be in a comic style as mentioned before, these cutscenes will appear when fragments of journal entries written by the villain have been pieced together into a full page. They will tell the story, bit by bit, to the player, as a reward for finding them and completing every page.

A cut scene clip from Outlaws (1997)

Our game will have still drawings, like a comic book, but I thought the style in Outlaws is a good source of inspiration.


Game: Amnesia

Note found on Google

Notes written by the player could look like this or something similiar. Phil also had an idea; we could soak paper in tea water, so it looks old, then we could write down game notes on it and scan it in. 
These notes could either be found as a full note or as fragments to piece together to reveal the message, and it'd pop up as a picture you could read.

Example of an authentic Victorian newspaper:

The player will stumble across a newspaper page every now and then. These pages will be unreadable
and messy but the player can still see pictures and headlines.

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