The game will be set in the UK, in a fictional poor little town in Northern England. It's an industrial town, whos little wealth mainly comes from mining and manufactured exports. The town is gradually becoming more well known for an up and coming (fictional) inventor by the name of Edwin Covington (inspired by Michael Faraday). In the level I will create, the player will be on the train, coming from the fictional town, eventually ending up in a big city not very far from the little town.
The town where the game begins, is small, about the same as Chester in size, with a mining facility and a train station just outside town. One of the levels in the game is on a train, which is the exact level I will be working on for this assignment. There will be a depressing environment visible through the windows of the train, mainly rainy and dusky. The interior of the train will be somewhat big overall, cabin by cabin adding up to one moderately big level (keep in mind it will be fast paced too). One section of the train cabins are for the public, another is for exports and cargo. The public ones will be influenced by steampunk, roomy and visually pleasing. The cargo/exports section will be very industrial looking and depressing.
Environmental Research
1. The Environment
Example of what I would like the player to see when they peek through the windows of the cabin. Well, if they have the time to stand still for a minute...
Rain, and more rain! Very depressing.
This is a good reference picture for what I want the big city to look like. The buildings (or a certain building) in the distance could possibly work as a focal point for the player.
2. The actual level location/environment
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