Working on a 2D game: Spin Doctor, as a Designer and Storyteller/Writer.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Spin Doctor Level Design: Photo References, Story, Objectives and Obstacles
Objectives and Obstacles:
The main objective will be to solve puzzles, collect notes, avoid deadly traps and progress through the level until the player reach the last room of the entire game (past the last room of this level: the Office). Some objectives include swinging ropes, grabbing chandeliers to swing on, bouncing on sofas, flooding a room to put out fire, etc.
There will be plenty of obstacles too, but in the form of puzzles and thinking mostly, not so much avoiding traps, although there will be some sort of trap in nearly every room of the level. Some obstacles include, spinning wheels with spikes attached, spikes on the ground and walls, fire, etc.
Photo Reference: Moodboards:
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Spin Doctor Level Design: Location and Environment
Location: The first room/section the player enters in Reeves' mansion. Ground level.
Environment: Reeves' personal ball room in his mansion. It has a bright and festive atmosphere that differs from the usual depressing environments the player has seen previously and after this section as well.
Location: The second section of Dr. Reeves' mansion.
Location: Third section of the level. A secret passage from the Study/Library leads to this themed room.
Environment: The visual style of the Living Quarters will be of Gothic Victorian interior design and furniture. Mostly dark colours and a depressing atmosphere with beams of moonlight creeps in through the cracks of the planks that have been used to cover up the windows.
Location: Last room of the mansion, the intro to the end-game where the player meets Reeves.
Environment: Reeves office which will include a desk and a chair in the cross section room. The entire section will have blueprints on walls and traces of previous work.
Spin Doctor Level Design: Purpose and Feature
Purpose of the Level:
Each section of the Victorian Mansion level will have a differently themed room, and are all a part of Reeves' personal home. The rooms included in the game are the Study/Library, Living Quarters, Office, and of course the story-related Ball Room. The Living Quarters being the last room/section of the level, also the last room of the entire game that introduces the player to the end of the game and a final twist in the story.
The sections below are of this level (the third and last level of the game), each section has its own theme. Besides the rotating rooms of original game play there will be special fill-in rooms in-between the original rotating ones, in the same theme, that are more related to the story and a few puzzles for variety in game play. The overall purpose of the level is for the player to see Dr. Reeves in a light, by going through his personal belongings, reading through his journals, exploring his home and seeing the early stages of his plans. This might make the player second-guess if Reeves is actually evil or just a desperate man afraid of losing his wife, going to extreme lengths to save her. This level will tell Reeves' side of the story, making him seem more like a human with feelings and hopes.
Purpose of the Ball Room:
Portraits and paintings can be seen at every corner in every room of this themed section. The most visually appealing section of the whole game, with all its decorations and the festive style to it. Pieces of masquerade clothing and confetti, including worn masks are scattered over the entire section. A steampunky Victorian music device is playing Victorian masquerade themed music. Notes can be found from time to time, written by guests that attended the ball. This section is basically just the aftermath of the story-related masquerade ball event.
Feature of the Ball Room:
As one of the features of this section, I want the player to be able to grab onto a chandelier by using the gauntlet found in the medical zone, and use it to swing. The steam boots can be found in this section.
Purpose of the Study/Library:
The study/library is Reeves' personal library that consists of his studies and the process of it, this including: medical books that hold information about epinephrine, science, medicine, anatomy and diseases, especially those that are similar to Elizabeth's disease, although it is not the same disease. The original purpose of this section was for Reeves need to seek out more knowledge that could benefit his experiments and plans.
Feature of the Study/Library:
The theme of the level is a library. I want the unique feature to be related to the books of the library. Maybe the books are the objectives or the obstacles, maybe the book shelves move with the rotating rooms knocking books over, maybe as a threat to the player because the book case can crush the player. Cross section puzzles involving books could be that the player has to alphabetize the books in order to open a secret passage.
Purpose of the Living Quarters:
The Living Quarters is where Reeves' spends his spare time and sleep. This is also where most of his personal belongings are. Portraits of Reeves and his wife covering the walls, journal extracts scattered around the quarters, traces of previous work and thoughts Reeves had, all give the player a whole new perspective of Reeves and his personal life and intentions. This room is also the last room the player will explore before being introduced to the final event of the game. and the end to the story.
Feature of the Living Quarters:
The feature of this section is a water based puzzle the player has to solve, in the kitchen area.
Purpose of the Office:
The office was Reeves' own personal room where he could start planning out the experiments before taking them down to the medical zone to examine them even further and bring to them life. Journal extracts, sketches and blueprints related to his previous work and experiments can also be found in his office, along with more books taken from the Study/Library that he used to back up his experiments with.
Feature of the Office:
The feature of this section is a steam punk computer.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Spin Doctor Level Design: Idea, Research and Thoughts
Game: Spin Doctor
Level Zone: Study/Victorian Mansion, Level 3.
I am going to post some research I am doing here.
So, I know this is mostly up to the artists but I am a minor in Art and I think this will be relevant to the levels themselves, in terms of atmosphere and look of the level, which is a part of Design. Basically, I have always pictured the whole game as being very depressing and evil looking. I wont speak about the Industrial and Medical zone here, because others are taking care of those zones, but I think the mansion should be very Victorian (that's a given!) and I don't mean the poor kind of mansion, I imagine it being a very posh mansion, but it has not been taken care of for the last decades, and I want that to show, not just in the art, but in the actual level itself. It might be a little hard to get across in Google Sketch up and paper down photoshop overview maps, but at least the idea is there. I don't think the whole mansion should be a dark and depressing experience, as I'd like to see some visually pleasing rooms too, that may be a little brighter in looks and atmosphere.
I will mainly do research on Victorian interior and the "haunted house" theme of both movies and games. The first game I've had a look at is "Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers!", a game I used to play when I was younger, it popped into my head and I remembered one of my favourite levels of the game, the Haunted House.
Now, imagine that Donald Duck is Harland, the rooms are rotating and we keep the theme/atmosphere of this, that is how I imagine the mansion will look like, except some sections of the mansion will probably be not as ... depressing.
Ben recommended "The Haunting" to me,which is probably a good source of inspiration and reference.
Heres a link to the IMDb page if anyone is interested:
And, again, Amnesia! I know I nearly always do some research on Amnesia, but it's a fantastic game and when it comes to atmosphere, not many other games do it better. I always seem to do concept that involves a chase and scary surroundings and environments... The Study Room in Amnesia is a good example of the kind of style I imagine the mansion to be like. I know it's a different time period but it's not far from it and it's mostly the atmosphere and not necessarily the furniture I am pointing out here, although something similar would be awesome to see in the finalised game in the study room, but it might be difficult with rotating rooms... Well, for the sections that involve rotating rooms, I am sure it would be a great filler in between these rooms, visually pleasing and all that. The atmosphere you find in horror games, especially Amnesia, is what I want to aim for in my level designs for this project. Not sure how I will implement it into my level, yet, and it might not even come across properly since it is only design work, but at least this is my idea for level 3, the whole Reeves's mansion. Anyway, here goes:
Level Zone: Study/Victorian Mansion, Level 3.
I am going to post some research I am doing here.
So, I know this is mostly up to the artists but I am a minor in Art and I think this will be relevant to the levels themselves, in terms of atmosphere and look of the level, which is a part of Design. Basically, I have always pictured the whole game as being very depressing and evil looking. I wont speak about the Industrial and Medical zone here, because others are taking care of those zones, but I think the mansion should be very Victorian (that's a given!) and I don't mean the poor kind of mansion, I imagine it being a very posh mansion, but it has not been taken care of for the last decades, and I want that to show, not just in the art, but in the actual level itself. It might be a little hard to get across in Google Sketch up and paper down photoshop overview maps, but at least the idea is there. I don't think the whole mansion should be a dark and depressing experience, as I'd like to see some visually pleasing rooms too, that may be a little brighter in looks and atmosphere.
I will mainly do research on Victorian interior and the "haunted house" theme of both movies and games. The first game I've had a look at is "Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers!", a game I used to play when I was younger, it popped into my head and I remembered one of my favourite levels of the game, the Haunted House.
Now, imagine that Donald Duck is Harland, the rooms are rotating and we keep the theme/atmosphere of this, that is how I imagine the mansion will look like, except some sections of the mansion will probably be not as ... depressing.
Ben recommended "The Haunting" to me,which is probably a good source of inspiration and reference.
Heres a link to the IMDb page if anyone is interested:
And, again, Amnesia! I know I nearly always do some research on Amnesia, but it's a fantastic game and when it comes to atmosphere, not many other games do it better. I always seem to do concept that involves a chase and scary surroundings and environments... The Study Room in Amnesia is a good example of the kind of style I imagine the mansion to be like. I know it's a different time period but it's not far from it and it's mostly the atmosphere and not necessarily the furniture I am pointing out here, although something similar would be awesome to see in the finalised game in the study room, but it might be difficult with rotating rooms... Well, for the sections that involve rotating rooms, I am sure it would be a great filler in between these rooms, visually pleasing and all that. The atmosphere you find in horror games, especially Amnesia, is what I want to aim for in my level designs for this project. Not sure how I will implement it into my level, yet, and it might not even come across properly since it is only design work, but at least this is my idea for level 3, the whole Reeves's mansion. Anyway, here goes:
Spin Doctor Level Design
Today we finished the Manchester assignment. We are going to go back to Spin Doctor now and the focus is on level designs at the moment. I got in a group with Sam and we are going to make level design documents for Level 3: The Mansion, the final level of Spin Doctor. Very excited! The study/mansion is my favourite zone. We have 4 deadlines and this is the plan:
Purpose + Feature - 15th of February, 2012.
Location + Environment
Photo Reference
Story - 22nd of February, 2012.
Objectives + Obstacles
Paper Based Plan - 29th of February, 2012.
Level Overview
Walkthrough - 7th of March, 2012.
Purpose + Feature - 15th of February, 2012.
Location + Environment
Photo Reference
Story - 22nd of February, 2012.
Objectives + Obstacles
Paper Based Plan - 29th of February, 2012.
Level Overview
Walkthrough - 7th of March, 2012.
Manchester Part 8: Level Walkthrough
· Short directional camera will play in Cabin 01 when the player interacts with the coffee machine (this is a tiny "mission").
· An interactive cut scene will play in Cabin 01, when the player interacts with the woman who is now sat in front of them. The player can look to the right and left, but has no control otherwise. After awhile the player will excuse themselves to the bathroom and leave, cut scene is over at this point.
· In between cabin 01 and 02 a directional camera will show the Enemy stand up in Cabin 01, implying that he is going to follow you.
· A directional camera will play at the end of Cabin 02, when a toilet door suddenly gets the player temporarily stuck, this will trigger a directional camera that will point to the suspicious man in Cabin 01 that started following you (The Enemy), at this point the man is starting to speed up slightly, while pushing things out of his way in an aggressive manner.
· A directional camera will be played in Cabin 04, triggered when the player interacts with the luggage in the room, the camera will show the player throwing luggage at the antagonist, making him fall to the ground, temporarily slowing him down. Player is free to run when the cut scene has ended.
· A cut scene will play in Cabin 05, once the player has entered. People in this cabin will grab the protagonist and try to slow him down, assuming he is drunk. The player will try to break loose from them, until the antagonist runs into the cabin and is grabbed onto as well. As the people in the cabin realise he's a tough guy they all let go off the protagonist to take care of the bigger threat in the room. The cut scene will end here and the player can run into the next cabin, again, the enemy is temporarily slowed down.
· A directional camera will be played in Cabin 06, quickly showing the player the room and the locked door at the other side of the small room in the cabin. This will imply the door is locked and hint that the player needs to find something to open it with.
· Once inside the other room in Cabin 06, there will be a quick directional camera showing the player walking towards the cabin window. The protagonist will try to open the window, but fails this attempt. This will imply the player needs to find another way to open the window.
· In cabin 07 there is an interactive camera, showing the player kneeling down, in order to solve the combination lock on the safe door, after this a" window" will pop up allowing the player to solve the puzzle close up to the safe.
· In Cabin 10 a directional camera will play, showing the puzzle to the player (it will show the levers between each door, implying they have to be interacted with)
· In Cabin 12 a directional camera will play showing the player walking on the fragile bridge as it falls apart and the player will fall down into a room full of crates.
· Inbetween Cabin 13 and 14, outside the train after the player has entered the cabin window, a directional camera will go into 3rd person and show the player hugging the wall (if they have done so, if not it will show them dying.)
· An interactive directional camera will play while the player is climbing the ladder and crawling on top of the train in Cabin 15, also when the player jumps down into the top window.
Prop List
Triggered Animation
· Coffee Machine (Cabin 1)
· Toilet Door (Cabin 2)
· Luggage Throw (Cabin 4)
· Crowbar Door Opening (Cabin 6)
· Balance Animation (Cabin 6/7)
· Safe Door Puzzle (Cabin 7)
· Climbing (Cabin 9)
· Rope Swing (Cabin 9)
· Fire Extinguisher Throw (Cabin 11)
· Fragile Bridge (Cabin 12)
· Hug-The-Wall (Cabin 14)
· Climbing of Ladder (Cabin 14/15)
· Crawling (Cabin 15)
· Jumping down (Cabin 15)
Destroyable Objects
· Kickable Door (Cabin 13)
· Fragile Bridge (Cabin 12)
· Breakable Window (Cabin 13)
Other Objects
· Crates (Cabin 6, 9, 12)
· Pipe (Cabin 9)
· Steam Shooter (Cabin 13)
· Tables/Chairs (Cabin 1, 2, 3, 5, 7)
· Steam punk Typewriter (Cabin7)
· Safe (Cabin 7)
· Screwdriver (Cabin 6)
· Crowbar (Cabin 6)
· Shelves (Cabin 6, 8)
· Luggage (Cabin 4)
· Machinery (Cabin 10, 11, 13)
· Toilet door (Cabin 2)
· Bar (Cabin 5)
· Stools (Cabin 5)
· Sofa (Cabin 5)
· Lockers (Cabin 6)
· Key (Cabin 6)
· Coffee Machine (Cabin 1)
· Locked door (Cabin 6, 7)
· Lever (Cabin 11)
· Rope (Cabin 9)
1a) Player walks into the train, sits down for a little bit.
2) Player decides to get coffee (this isn't optional), player goes to get coffee, cut scene will play showing the protagonist using the coffee machine (yellow box).
1b) Player goes back to their seat, at this moment a woman (green dummy) is sat in front of the protagonist. This triggers an interactive cut scene where the player (blue dummy) can look to the right and left. Dummy in black can be seen on the left of the camera, giving the player a dirty look. This is meant to make the protagonist uncomfortable.
3) Protagonist excuses themselves in order to go to the toilet (because the protagonist is feeling uncomfortable and wants to get away). When the player goes through the door entering Cabin 2, a directional camera will play showing the black dummy standing up.

1) The player is walking towards the toilet (no option to run up yet), but temporarily getting stuck due to a passenger getting out of the toilet with the door wide open and the passenger being big in size as well.
2) When this happens (the passenger gets out of the toilet), a directional camera will show the black dummy (enemy) getting closer, pushing people out of the way while yelling "You, wait!".
3) The protagonists proceeds to push the yellow dummy (the passenger as mentioned above) out of the way, ending in yellow dummy falling to the ground. There was no option to run up until this point, but now the player can run away from the black dummy. Player runs through and goes into the third cabin.
1) Player runs through Cabin 03, nothing of importance happens here, the player only runs through Cabin 03 to get to 04 (this just adds game play time).
2) The player can hear the enemy's footsteps at this point. The enemy will yell "Hey, you there! Wait!" in an angry tone.
1) Player can interact with luggage, which will trigger an animation (2)
2) Directional camera and triggered animation. The player will see the protagonist throwing luggage at the enemy, slowing him down temporarily (a minimum of 3 will have to be thrown, so 3 interactions with the luggage).
CABIN 05 (interactive cut scene)
1) Player runs into cabin 05. People (grey dummies) presume the protagonist is drunk and grabs onto him to slow him down. Two dummies will say something, the first will say "You've had one drink too much, I see." and the other, "Show some respect!"
2) The enemy runs into the cabin. The passengers will realise he is a bigger threat and they let go off you to stop him.
3) At this point the protagonist will run out of the room, while the enemy is being slowed down by all the passengers.
CABIN 06 (2 rooms in 1 cabin)
1) When the player gets into Cabin 06, a directional camera will point to point 1, where a door will be locked, implying that the player has to find a way to open it.
2) The key is located here, in the yellow little box. The green boxes are lockers and drawers, that the player can have a look in, while looking for the key.
1) When the player has unlocked the door, and enters the other room in 06, a directional camera will show the player walking towards 1, trying to open the window here, but fails this attempt at opening it.
2) The protagonist speaks to himself "There must be something in here that can help me open this door." The player is free to look in any of the blue boxes for tools. There are 4 tools that can be found, in one of the boxes the player can find a crowbar, this is what is needed to open the window with. If the player decides to use the other tools they will simply break or not work.
3) When the player interacts with the window using the crowbar, a short cut scene will appear showing the player opening the window and climbing through it, landing on the narrow platform outside.
1) This cabin doesn't really exist to the player, it is off limits. The player will be able to see the cabin from outside but won't be able to see what is inside because the windows will be covered up from the inside. The player can still walk past cabin 07, on the platform. The player has to balance on the platform (which will be a mechanic showing up as a bar with a ball on it, that can go all the way to the left or right depending on how well the player is balancing, if the ball goes all the way to either side, the player will fall off the platform and die).
1) Animation/cut scene played here. It will show the player climbing into Cabin 08 through the window.
2a) The orange box is a safe, with a combination lock on it, the player has to hit the right numbers in a certain order to open the door behind the safe. A directional camera will point here once the player is in the room.
2b) Animation/cut scene when the player does the safe puzzle. Once the safe has been opened, the player is free to enter Cabin 09.
1) Player climbs platform by platform, according to height. The path is obvious by the height of the boxes.
2) Here in between 2 and 3, there is a rope that the player can grab and swing to reach the next platform (3)
3) The player has to climb through the pipe here.
1) When the player has crawled through the pipe they will fall down onto the platform below and then jumps down to ground level to proceed the maze.
1) This is a lever, every yellow square in this scene is a lever that has to be pulled in order to open the doors (red walls). Each door will fall back down, 2 seconds after the lever has been pulled, so the player has 2 seconds to enter each door but can have a rest in between them.
1) The green boxes is machinery that will shoot lethal steam out, there is no way the player can avoid this as the doors are blocking their way. The player must run to grab the lever, and jump up and down to make sure they are not hit by the steam.
1) This is a lever the player has to pull down, once that is done, the machinery will be turned on and start moving.
2) This is the machinery, it consists of a long wall on each side to block the player out (no cheating) and a big metal steam instrument that will hit the ground every 2 seconds. The player has to move through them quickly to avoid them.
1) These, similar to Cabin 10, are steam shooters. The player has to avoid these and run through them, being allowed 2 breaks in between them, if needed.
2) Cut scene/animation of player climbing through the window.
Another off limits cabin, with the player on a narrow platform outside (it doesn't look small here, but it would be in-game.)
1) The player has to hug the wall because a train will pass by and would kill the player if he/she stood near the edge.
1) The player must climb the ladder here, and get on top of the train for Cabin
1) Players crawls on top of the train, with the enemy catching up to them. The player has to duck (holding down a key) when they enter the tunnel reaching the trains' final destination.
2) Window the player can kick through and jump down into the final cabin of the level.
1) The player is the final cabin and must run to the green door which is the exit. Once they have interacted with the door, the level ends. Finished!
1) After the player has jumped from the pipe to the platform they will continue the maze from here and go to the right and to the north and continues to climb through the maze.
2) Player goes to the right from here and then jumps down to the left again on the lower platform to the south until they reach 3.
3) The player has to grab onto a rope here and swing down to the lower platform and then proceed to jump onto platform number 4 which is lower than the current one.
4) The player has finished the maze and can walk down the stairs and walk south and then to the left to exit the maze and enter cabin 10.
Saturday, 4 February 2012
Manchester Part 7: Top Down Paper Map
This is the basic overview of the train level which consists of 3 different zones, the public and cargo zone and the engine room.![]() |
Yellow: Public Zone, this is where the intro of the game takes place. The public zone will have passengers of the train, the bar and a toilet. This is the "easiest" of the 3 sections because it's the intro of the level, and there are alot of directional cameras and cut scenes in this section. The colour yellow was also chosen because not only is it the easiest zone of the 3, but it's also the most positive one (read "Atmosphere").
Orange: Cargo zone, this is where the player will face mostly puzzles and the chase will be uninterrupted by passengers, train conductors and the like. The cargo zone will be less visually pleasing compared to the Public Zone, again, this is a reference to the Atmosphere post, it's gradually getting more and more depressing in this zone, darker outside and rainy. This zone feels like it's pretty much a ghost train (no people and dark environments).
Red: The Engine, the player doesn't actually get to be in the engine room (at least not at all times) because this is an exterior zone. The player has to crawl on top of the train.
Before you ask: No, I don't have a scanner, so I had to take a photo of it. Hopefully this kind of makes sense to you.
X = Where the player or enemy stops/stands, temporarily.
Blue Circle = Player
Black Circle = Enemy
- - - - = Footprints, where the player and enemy will walk, Blue = Player, Black = Enemy
Eye thing = Cameras
Ear = What the player can hear
Triangle = Random man
Green Circle = Woman in the intro
Star = Key
Weird curved doodles = where the player jumps or swings with a rope
Square with circle (11) = Button (Update: Changed to lever on the wall)
Mysterious rectangle with lines in 12 = Bridge
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