Sunday, 18 December 2011

Spin Doctor: Notes by Victims

These notes are written by Reeves' subjects or people who have been in touch with him in general. They will have unique fonts and a separate template from Reeves' journal entries.

Note written by "Ida":
"I always carry this journal with me, that my father gave me for my 13th birthday. My father was an explorer and I've always admired him, I used to read his journal but I never thought I had anything worth mentioning for my journal, not compared to my father who travelled the world. I've had a few exciting incidents over the few last years, but I chose to write about my irrelevant and petty affairs in a less sophisticated journal. I believe now is the time to write about current events. I attended a masquerade ball today. My father helped me acquire a beautiful masquerade dress accompanied with a bewitching mask. He escorted me to the ball, and told me to have a prowl while he conversed with the other guests. It seemed most of the guests were intoxicated, some had even struck up a jig atop the furnishings.  I noticed what seemed to be a pairing shortly after. Husband and wife or courtship? It definitely looked like a loving pair. They looked exceptionally happy together, smiling and laughing. They slipped out through a back door, and my curiosity was piqued. I followed them. I stole a glimpse of the man kneeling down, but while this occurred, someone came up behind me and covered my mouth with a rag. Everything was black. It felt like minutes until I woke up again. That is when I ended up where I am now. It is a cold, dimly lit room, in what appears to be a medical facility. I hear footsteps, they can't know I'm awake. I don't want to die."

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