Sunday, 11 December 2011

Spin Doctor: Timeline

1850-1851 – Dr. Reeves, a respected and brilliant physician, realises something is not quite right with his wife Elizabeth. During this time he is doing research and examining her. In 1851 he has come to a conclusion. Late 1851 he plans to build her a mechanical heart, which will fully replace her real heart. He planned to harvest epinephrine from living people.

1852 -  Lacking volunteers he decided the only way would be to create a custom tailored barbiturate to knock his subjects out and then experiment on them to find ways to extract epinephrine, which was the only way to get his wife’s’ mechanical heart beating. Before he created the barbiturate, he used a rag soaked in chloroform, which had the same effect but was difficult as he would struggle with the victims fighting back and their attempts to escape. When the barbiturate was ready for use, he would fill syringes with it and inject it into his subjects, to make sure they would become unconscious. Getting caught at one point trying to knock a subject out got him kicked out of the medical community and he lost his doctor title and job. This left him no choice but to escape his court trial and he fled to an old abandoned military base, taking his wife with him. He decides to improve and expand the facility. He is wanted for crimes against humanity. The summer of 1852 he has finished the mechanical heart after many months of research and hard work. He attempts to perform a heart transplantation, replacing her real heart with the mechanical heart he created. His wife dies from this, although the heart replacement was successful. Later the same year, he develops insomnia due to psychological causes and recent events.

1853 – Dr. Reeves’ has found his first potential subject, French prostitute, Margaux Boudeville, who moved to England, London in 1850. He found her to be an easy prey since she worked nights; she had little to no family in England, and few friends. She would disappear as stealthily as she arrived. After an unsuccessful experiment on her among a few other unnamed subjects, he realised he had to harvest epinephrine in other ways. He started planning out a vest, which would have tubes at the back of it drilled into their back, harvesting the epinephrine directly from the subjects. The vest would be sewn into their skin, thus impossible to remove, although the tubes were detachable. The epinephrine filled tubes would then be plugged into his wife’s’ mechanical heart.

1854 – Dr. Reeves has completed the vest that he planned to sew into his subjects’ skin. He needed more and bigger doses of epinephrine that his original experiments if ever successful could never accomplish. He starts planning out the rotating rooms one by one, to create a labyrinth that would take his subjects through dangerous rotating rooms, that would give them an adrenaline boost (epinephrine) that would be harvested and extracted into the tubes attached to the vest.   

1862 – The facility is complete, Dr. Reeves stops improving and expanding the facility. No subject reached the final test. People would die due to traps or starvation during the early tests, some people got far but none of them made it to the final test in Dr. Reeves' study. 

1862-1878 – Reeves gets older and grows weaker for each passing year, gets desperate and kidnaps local people, and slowly give up as it is too much effort for him and his old weak body. 

1878 – One day Harland Shears stumbles across the facility. Dr. Reeves take advantage of this. He drags Harland Shears into the hubworld, where he sews the vest into Harland's flesh, and places the tubes into the back of the vest, all this while Harland lays unconscious. Harland (the player) then wakes up when Dr. Reeves has escaped the room, and the game begins.

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